Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas...

Just popping in to say Merry Christmas to everyone - I truely hope you all had a great day and that Santa was kind to you and your families. We had a great day with the family, lots of laughs, food and of course drink!!!

Here are a few photos from the morning at our place and the day at my Sister Peta's who put on a beautiful spread and lots of yummy food!!!
Have a very Happy New year - Drive safely and BE GOOD!!!!
Rach x

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Just a little bit cute...

I have to share with you some really cute chipboard shapes that Scrapping outback will be selling very soon. These are just a few of the new things that are on their way.....

Also, here is some of their new stuff, that I have already had a chance to play with - It's amazing just how different the chipboard looks raw and coloured.

Duck across to Scrapping Outback and check out all the new stuff..... I know you will love it!!!!
Take care
Rach x

Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's almost under control...

Well, for those of you who don't know yet - My Mum and I have taken over the Scrapping outback has been a long process learning how to run the site, upload new products, and just to figure out what is what????

We, with the amazing help of our Queen bee - Julie have almost got it under control!!!! Yippee...

It is an exciting process, but very scary at the same time. I, with the help and encouragement of Mum and Jules have some exciting new things coming up for 2009. This is going to be a very exciting new year for all of us!!! So please duck on over - have a little look around - sign in and become a member of our great little group, we would all love to meet you.

Now for some other scrapping stuff - A couple of new kits......I know, you are thinking what the????? - Well, because we are coming up to the school holidays - (somebody shoot me NOW!!!), and as most of you know, I don't run classes through the holidays due to the havvoc that the childerbeasts cause. So I have decided to get a few more kits organised - that way you can still get your scrapping class fix without the added plus (NOT) of my kids causing chaos whilst I am trying to teach.
So here they are, you can still purchase them from here OR........Woo hoo!!!! you can go to the Web site - Scrapping outback and purchase them there.

Thanks for looking.
Rach x